Fidelity Benefits of Texas
Fidelity Benefits of Texas is a full regional brokerage firm serving companies statewide that employ 2-10,000 employees. The principals at Fidelity are thought leaders in all areas of risk placement and cost containment for employers across a broad spectrum of industries. Local industry knowledge combines with global reach to promote best practices for you and your business. Fidelity Benefits of Texas provides insurance programs for tens of thousands of employees in the state of Texas. We provide insurance solutions that cover your business, your employees and most importantly we are here to the provide peace of mind that comes from knowing you have chosen the right insurance partner. In addition to providing insurance and administrative solutions, Fidelity is an employee benefits communication and engagement firm focused on best practices that insure that employees understand the value of the benefit package being offered by their employer.
Our priority is to create value for both the employee and the employer through the offering of core, voluntary benefits, administrative and compliance solutions as well as other value added services. Our role is an extension of the human resource department and is to communicate that value directly to the employee while promoting the employer. This is accomplished through a multi-stage communication strategy that spans pre-enrollment, during and post enrollment.

News and Events
Fidelity sponsors Trinity Oaks event
Fidelity was a proud sponsor of Trinity Oaks family! The community and family gathered to finish up a church youth camp for under privileged kids and a Dream trip for a young man battling cancer... Read More
At Fidelity we have three objectives:
- Mitigate some of the financial risks associated with out of pocket medical and non-medical expenses by offering benefits that protect the employee’s assets, savings and their paycheck.
2. Help the employer stabilize their Medical trend by shifting “some” claims to employee paid benefits and by creating an incentive for annual wellness compliance through a cash reimbursement benefit.
3. Assist HR in the communications and compliance for all employee benefits.
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Our focus is local, our reach is global.